Monday, November 9, 2015


1.When screen is opened focus should be set on required field.

2.After displaying error message or information message, focus should be set on specific field.

3.Focus should be set on controls like Date control and Dropdown

4.Shortcut keys should be verified it should be working.

5.Field length should be fixed according to DB columns.

6.Validation should be applied on fields like Date, Password, Email etc.

7.Mandatory fields should be validated and make sure that mandatory fields are according to DB columns.

8.Error summary should be displayed properly; sometimes error summary triggers more than once in page life cycle.

9.Execute all page links; make sure that each link works fine, sometime we found that page path is not valid behind link so displays “alarming Crashing messages”.

10.Make sure that there should be no dead links on the pages.

11.If the screen is resizable, the page design (CSS+html) should be there to handle this feature. Sometimes if we resize the window, all page contents overlap each other and showing quite nasty look

12.If the window is resizable, horizontal and vertical scroll bar should be properly used.

By adding these points in your unit test check list, Development lead can reduce the bug count effectively.

Arhaan Hashmi

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